ISO 22000

ISO 22000: Food Safety Management System


With emerging challenges in the food industry, many organizations are adopting food safety systems on a wider basis. There also is increasing public health concern about chemical contamination of food. Another important factor is that the size of the food industry and the diversity of products and processes have grown tremendously – both domestic and imported.

Traditionally, industry and regulators have depended on spot-checks of manufacturing conditions and random sampling of final products to ensure safe food. This approach, however, tends to be reactive, rather than preventive and can be less efficient than the new system. Over a period of time, a new management system for food safety has evolved as ISO 22000:2005. More and more industries are adopting it as complementary to the QMS, thereby deriving multiple benefits.

Getting ISO 22000 Certification

  • Please click here to request a callback or further information on how you can become ISO 22000 certified. We can also provide a no-obligation competitive quotation from our dedicated business development team.
  • Our leading auditors will devise a comprehensive assessment program that will be agreed upon in line with your FSMS requirements.

Certification Benefits

  • Eligibility for submitting tenders or proposals for projects.
  • Increased customer confidence and satisfaction
  • Aids compliance with legal requirements related to the food safety
  • Improve profitability through hazard control
  • Guarantees high quality of provided services and products
  • Can boost your organization’s brand reputation and be a useful promotional tool, especially when going up against competitors who aren’t certified
  • Saves costs on fees and fines
  • Helps maintain and improve your market position
  • Minimize corporate risk

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